Here is a short description of some of the things we do with Hoppity Hop balls:
We provide speech therapy services to children from very young (11 months) to 6th grade (or older sometimes). The majority of children we work with are significantly delayed in the areas of expressive language, attention, and regulation. Many of these children have additional diagnoses, such as autism or pervasive developmental disorder, cerebral palsy, or mental retardation. Therapy HAS TO be fun with our kids, or it will not be successful.
Within our therapy sessions, the Hoppity Hop balls or hippity hops are used in a variety of ways to meet many goals. These may include but are not limited to:
*Regulation through proprioceptive feedback
*Joint attention between child and therapist/caregiver
*Requesting skills: "More jump", "Jump high", etc...
*Vocabulary development - opposites (go/stop, on/off, big/little, high/low), verbs, prepositions
*Imitation skills
Hoppity Hop balls are an affordable and valuable tool for any speech therapist.
Amy and Amber